Consider that if a normal were to walk into a room similar to this
A room of a gentleman and a scholar.
Source: FigureFM
Social inequalities (gender stratification) exist in both Western and Eastern societies. In fact, gender stratification is worse in Japan if differential average earnings (accounting for completed years of education) are any indication. However, while gender stratification exists in every culture in the world, the roles of gender are radically different in each.
Gender roles in eastern media are opposite of gender roles in western media. In western media, women are almost always seen as passive and submissive while guys are seen as rugged and tough. Think of any commercial you've seen recently, any magazine ad, or any major movie and you'll see this is frequently the case. Over in Japan, it's the opposite. Guys are sissys (take for example, Shinji Ikari from Evangelion) meanwhile it is always some high-school with magical powers who saves the world. If an older Japanese man walked up to an older Japanese woman and told her to, “Stand up. Now sit back down.” she would do it. Men in Japan are suppose to represent Japanese tradition while women are suppose to represent Japanese values. The use female characters in anime is because the situations that arise in anime are often absurd and outrageous – A male character would never find himself in this situation. Which is why they use female characters instead. Given the absurdity of the situation, it's just more believable that a female character is in them. They can just get away with more. Why Yurifags are the worst. Trends in yuri. Trends in anime (gun on stage)